The official start time of the XV MALLORCA 312 will be 6.30 am (the last participant is expected to pass through the start at 7 am) on Saturday, 26 April 2025 at Platja de Muro, (07458, Mallorca). The race will consist of three routes: one of 312 km, another of 225 km and another of 167 km, all finishing at the same place as the start in the aforementioned location.
The cut-off time at the finish line for the different distances will be as follows: 5.0 pm for the 167 km and 225 km and 8.40 pm for the 312 km.
Similarly, different intermediate cut-off times will be established along the route, clearly indicated on the website's course guide. This course guide can be consulted on the event's website. It shows the maximum pass-through time and the minimum average speed for each distance and at the intermediate points.
Any participant who does not achieve the minimum pace stipulated in the course guide, or who is overtaken by the 'End of Race' vehicle, is deemed to be out of the race. At that moment, the participant will be able to use the broom wagon. Otherwise, as the participant has been excluded from the race, and should they decide to continue cycling the route, they will become a normal user of the public highway without any assistance from the Organisation and with the road open to traffic.
Participation is open to all cyclists over 18 years of age, or over 15 years of age with written authorisation or consent from their parents or legal guardians.
The race takes place on roads that are closed to traffic.
The participant must register for the Mallorca 312 event but can complete, at the participant's own free choice and during the race, any of the three routes of 312, 225 or 167 km. In other words, once the race has started, the participant may change the distance without needing to notify the Organisation, as long as they comply with the established cut-off times.
The Organisation reserves the right to modify the start, route and cut-off times.
Without prior notice, and when this is deemed necessary for any reason, the Organisation reserves the right to make any appropriate modifications in the route(s) and in how the race is carried out. The Right of Admission is reserved.
When so advised by Civil Protection forces, the Organisation may decide to suspend the race, partially or totally, in the case it has been sufficiently informed regarding risks that may affect the safety of participants or collaborators. These risks may be associated with adverse meteorological phenomena (storms, strong winds, hailstorms, etc.), floods, landslides, pandemics, terrorist threats, etc. or any other incident external to the cycling race that could potentially affect it.
The organiser of the race is the company 312 Bike & Tours SLU (hereinafter 312 Bike & Tours), with its registered offices at Carrer de les Parres, 51, 07570, Artà, Balearic Islands, entered in the Company Register of Palma de Mallorca on 7 July 2016, in Volume 2,666 of the Archive, General Section, folio 26, section 8, sheet number PM-79.193, 1st entry, and fiscally identified by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance with Tax Code (CIF): B-57967622.
Prior registration with the organiser is required. The organiser will give each participant a bib number and/or number plate.
The XV MALLORCA 312 is a sports cycling event regulated by Article 9 of the Cycling Regulations of the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation (hereinafter RFEC). The MALLORCA 312 is a sports cycling event of free speed and closed to traffic, with an appreciable degree of difficulty (mileage or climb), where participation and individual effort are a motivation for self-improvement. Participants will be identified with bib numbers or number plates on their bicycles. A census of all participants who finish the race will be carried out and diplomas will be awarded with a certificate of the mileage and approximate time needed to complete the route, all this within the framework of a cycling speciality that sees this sport as physical exercise for leisure, tourism and cultural purposes.
Races will be subject to the provisions of Annex II of Spanish Royal Decree 1428/2003, of 21 November 2003, approving the General Traffic Regulations.
Race safety will be ensured by the Provincial Traffic Headquarters, Civil Guard, Municipal Police, Civil Protection and Motos Enlace. Participants agree to accept any instructions provided by the Organisation's personnel as well as the security and first aid personnel.
Each participant is responsible for respecting the environment and, to this end, for taking all appropriate measures to protect the environment, not littering or dirtying the route of the race.
At the time of registering, participants affirm that they are physically fit for the race. It is the obligation of each cyclist to ensure, before taking part in the event, that they are in perfect health and fit enough for the physical effort required to take part in the event.
Participants declare that they assume the risks inherent in taking part in a race and that they will not hold the Organisation of the race liable for any incident or accident resulting from their participation. The Organisation will not be liable for any accident the participant may cause or suffer, which must be covered by the insurance included in the licence or one-day insurance cover, nor is it liable for any expenses or debts that may be incurred by participants during the race, nor for any loss or damage suffered by the bicycles or other equipment of the participants.
Participants will not hold the Organisation liable for any loss of or damage to personal belongings for any reason.
In the event of any accident caused due to circulation or sports accidents, including any claim for personal or third-party damages, users will not hold the following liable: 312 Bike & Tours, the president or board of directors of SeccióEsportiva 312 Bike & Tours, the Spanish Cycling Federation, Federació de Ciclisme de les Illes Balears, and/or any natural or legal person related to the Organisation of the event.
- A cycling helmet must be worn.
- The use of electrically-assisted bicycles is not permitted.
- For safety reasons, the only bicycles that can take part are conventional road bikes with brakes on both wheels (not 'fixie' bikes) and no couplers (time trial and triathlon bikes are not allowed).
- Handbikes or bicycles adapted for people with reduced mobility are permitted.
The route will be clearly marked using a system of arrows and panels, as well as signposts.
Signage will be removed as the cut-off times are reached. Whoever does not comply with the law will be expelled from this year's race and banned from taking part in the future.
Users must have read, know and accept the conditions to take part in the XV MALLORCA 312:
• Users are aware that there are dangerous stretches where extreme caution should be exercised, as well as long descents with bends where speed should be moderated in order to avoid injury to the rider and/or others. They are also aware that there are stretches where the state of the roads may not meet the adequate safety conditions, and different tunnels that may NOT be illuminated, and they expressly do not hold 312 Bike & Tours liable for any damage suffered due to the bad state of the roads or to any defect in the road infrastructures.
• Users know that cycling involves the possibility of suffering a sports accident and personally assume liability for any accidents they may cause to themselves or to any participant of the race, exempting and holding harmless 312 Bike & Tours from any liability resulting from such accidents.
Any participant seen being towed by any vehicle will be excluded by the Organisation.
Accompanying vehicles are strictly forbidden in accordance with the Traffic REGULATIONS: the State security forces and personnel will stop any accompanying vehicles, which must be liable for any penalties they may receive due to violation of the traffic regulations.
The Organisation reserves the right to take action against anyone violating the regulations, including banning them from the race in the future.
Prior registration is deemed mandatory in order to take part in the event.
The participant's bib number and bag can only be picked up on the days established by the Organisation. They cannot be sent or picked up subsequently. Failure to pick up the participant bag with the bib number during the days established by the Organisation implies that the participant gives up the right to take part in the event, without the right to any refund of the amounts paid to 312 Bike & Tours, as well as the fees paid for registration or any other reason.
All participants must carry the bib number for the bicycle and this must be visible. Any rider who does not have a visible bicycle bib number on the handlebars will be excluded from the course by members of the Organisation or by law enforcement personnel, and the rider may also be sanctioned. The race bib number and chip are personal and non-transferable. The registered person can only take part with the bib number assigned to them and agrees not to allow other people to use it.
Bib numbers cannot be picked up by third parties.
As indicated in the traffic regulations, the roads on which the event takes place are reserved exclusively for participants of the event.
Times will be controlled electronically via the use of a chip. It is obligatory to use the chip, which is attached to the number plate. The number plate must be placed on the front of the handlebars. The chip does not work if it's in direct contact with the bicycle, is bent or placed anywhere else. Any participant not carrying the chip will be excluded from the race and may be sanctioned by the State security forces and personnel.
The Organisation reserves the right to take action against anyone violating the regulations, including banning them from taking part in the race in the future.
The time control system has proven to be totally reliable. Consequently, participants will automatically be considered as not classified should they fail to pass through all the control points: the start at the scheduled time, the finish line and other control points located along the route.
The course guide can be consulted on the event's website. It shows the cut-off times and minimum average speed for each distance.
Any participant who is passed by the 'End of Race' vehicle is deemed to be out of the race. At that moment the participant will be able to use the broom wagon. Otherwise, as the participant has been excluded from the race, and should they decide to continue cycling the route, they will become a normal user of the public highway without any assistance from the Organisation and with the road open to traffic.
Liquid and solid refreshment will be available. Their location will be announced on the website. The refreshment posts will be staffed by duly identified assistance personnel from the Organisation.
Bathrooms will be available and it will be considered a serious offence not to use them.
There will also be a rest and refreshment area at the finish line, where each participant will receive a voucher for food and drink.
The Organisation will provide mechanical assistance at the refreshment posts. In the event of a repairable breakdown at this point, participants will be responsible for any replacement parts.
The Organisation will designate a group of participants called "The Greens" whose function will be to ensure the safety of the race. These people, who can be identified by their particular green polka-dot jerseys, lead the race during the neutral zone and then gradually drop back until they're overtaken by the last riders, this marking the end of the neutral segment of the race.
The Organisation will provide a medical team, ambulances and mobile ICUs, several fixed aid stations, a medical post at the finish line and a broom wagon at all times during the race.
The event has the necessary medical services to deal with any circumstance and/or accident that may arise during the event. Should a participant want or require medical services external to the Organisation of the race, they shall be responsible for all expenses incurred.
The Organisation will provide, together with the participant bag, a card with contact telephone numbers in the case of a medical emergency or need for assistance. Participants must have this card on them throughout the event.
The medical assistance telephone number (xx) should be used, in addition to the general 112 emergency number, to request urgent medical assistance, either for the participant themselves or for another participant or member of the Organisation.
The general helpline (xx) should be used in the case of requiring mechanical assistance, broom wagon information or other needs.
For information purposes, the emergency card also indicates the main cut-off times for the three routes.
Commemorative trophies will be awarded to the following:
• The first three male and female riders for each distance.
• The youngest male and female rider for each distance.
• The oldest male and female rider for each distance.
• Other prizes depending on the participation.
• Gifts for participants will be handed out at the finish line. These will not be sent by post.
• Commemorative medals will be awarded to all participants who cross the finish line within the established time limit.
Penalties will be strictly applied to those participants who:
• Do not respect the highway code after being overtaken by the broom wagon.
• Do not respect the safety instructions given by law enforcement personnel or the Organisation.
• Do not pass through the start control or take shortcuts other than the original routes.
• Dirty or degrade the route by littering.
• Urinate on public highways.
• Have their own support vehicle, hindering the progress of the rest.
• Behave in such a way that impedes the normal progress of the race and contravenes these rules. Participants acknowledge and agree that they must, at all times, behave appropriately during the event and must comply with all applicable laws while taking part in or attending the event. This includes, in general, respect for people, equipment, facilities and property.
• Place themselves in starting positions not permitted by their bib number.
• Ride in the opposite direction to the race.
Members of the State security forces and of the Organisation will take note of anyone behaving in any of the aforementioned ways, a well as those taking part in or riding along the route without being duly registered. The Organisation undertakes the commitment, before the rest of the participants and the authorities, to penalise such people in an effective manner. The penalty will be:
• Disqualification from the race, without the right to a diploma or medal.
• Inclusion in the lists of penalised participants, for subsequent publication.
• A ban from taking part in the race in the future.
• Any sanctions imposed by the authorities which the attitude of the person in question may have warranted.
Acceptance of these rules implies, obligatorily, that the participant authorises the organisers of the MALLORCA 312 to totally or partially record their participation in this event, gives their consent to use their image to promote and publicise the image of the MALLORCA 312 or any other event organised by or in which 312 Bike & Tours or any other entity related to 312 Bike & Tours participates or markets, in all its forms (radio, press, video, photo, DVD, internet, posters, mass media, etc.) and assigns all rights relating to its use for commercial and advertising purposes that are deemed appropriate, without the participant being entitled to any financial compensation.
In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, better known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as any regulations that develop this, 312 Bike & Tours hereby informs you that the personal data obtained via the registration platform will be included in an automated file whose Controller is 312 Bike & Tours, with its registered offices at Carrer de les Parres, 51, 07570, Artà, Balearic Islands, entered in the Company Register of Palma de Mallorca on 7 July 2016, in Volume 2,666 of the Archive, General Section, folio 26, section 8, sheet number PM-79.193, 1st entry, and fiscally identified by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance with Tax Code (CIF): B-57967622.
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of Personal Data is to manage the relationship with the User, in addition to the information and marketing of the service and activities related thereto, as well as for statistical purposes and to improve the quality of the service.
The personal data provided by the User are assumed to be true and correct and the User is solely responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided. The period during which any personal data collected via the form will be kept is four years, once the User has unsubscribed.
312 Bike & Tours undertakes to fulfil its obligation to keep personal data secret and its duty to protect them and to take all technical and organisational measures to ensure that personal data are secure, as well as to avoid their alteration, loss or unauthorised processing or access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.
The Website has the security measures for information that are generally used to prevent unauthorised access to personal data.
The User consents to the processing of the personal data provided voluntarily, with prior express consent, in order to send information by any means regarding our products, services, offers or special promotions, for which we can develop user profiles that allow us to make personalised offers. These communications will include the word ADVERTISING.
We also inform you that such data may be transferred (provided you have given your express consent), for the aforementioned purposes, to the company ARRIERE DU PELOTON, S.L. (hereinafter ARRIVO CYCLING), whose activity is that of a retail travel agency specialised in sports tourism, with the purpose of communicating offers and promotions of a tourism and sports nature, as well as for statistical purposes and to improve the quality of the service. Consent for the communication of personal data can be withdrawn. ARRIVO CYCLING undertakes, by the mere fact of communicating the data, to comply with the provisions of the GDPR.
In relation to your identification and health data:
By registering for the event, you agree to accept the following communications and/or publications of personal data on the Mallorca 312 website, publication on social media @mallorca312, press and local media, national and international media, and other entities collaborating in the promotion and communication of the event, such as the registration platform itself, and in the production of promotional posters.
Publication of the name, surname, bib number and classification in the race, in our own media, and the sending of these data to suppliers that offer services associated with the event, such as photography companies or entities that manage or participate jointly in the Mallorca 312 event.
Should it be necessary in order to provide a medical service, your health data (allergies, for example) will be passed on to the professional medical services attending the event. No other communication of personal data is foreseen, unless legally required.
With the exception of the previous provision, and provided you have given your express consent, any personal data you have voluntarily provided to 312 Bike & Tours will not be transferred to any other subject or company except in the specific cases in which such transfer is covered by the GDPR. However, notwithstanding the foregoing, Users accept that the data they have voluntarily provided may be transferred to third parties but only those data that are strictly necessary in order to fulfil the requested service.
We inform you that, in accordance with the GDPR, you may freely exercise your rights of access, restriction, rectification, cancellation and opposition, and you may withdraw any consent given, by writing to 312 Bike & Tours, with its registered offices at Carrer de les Parres, 51, 07570, Artà, Balearic Islands, or by sending an email to the following address:
By registering for MALLORCA 312, the participant declares that they have read and understand all the terms and conditions of these rules and the participant also acknowledges that they understand that both the participant themselves and all registered parties waive substantial rights, including the right to sue.
The mere fact of registering for this event implies acceptance of these rules. By registering, the participant confirms that they accept and undertake to respect the rules of the UCI and national federation, as well as the specific rules and conditions of this event.
Should the participant be a minor or incapacitated adult, the parent or legal guardian is bound by these rules on behalf of the participant.
At the event (MALLORCA 312), Sportograf Digital Solutions GmbH (website: will be our exclusive partner and provider of photographic services.
If you are taking part in this event, you should be aware that Sportograf has been commissioned as the exclusive photographic company for the event to record photographic and video material in which you may be personally identified, possibly with your event participant number (e.g. start number).
Sportograf always uses the data collected at sporting events in compliance with its obligations as a photographic service provider subject to the contract signed with 312 Bike & Tours, and in its own economic interest to sell the photographs of the event to interested participants via its website
In addition, each participant of this event should expect 312 Bike & Tours to publish or sell the photographs of this event as "souvenirs”. Moreover, participants will be able to manually search for photos via the website with the help of the location and time, also with the help of the bib number or an image (selfie).
In the latter case, anonymous, non-personal characteristics of the participants are determined with the help of an algorithm, regardless of the start number.
The personal data of participants will not be disclosed to third parties.
Sportograf only uses photographers who have been obliged to comply with data protection laws in accordance with the applicable data protection regulation (in accordance with Art. 6, paragraph 1f of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
More information on the privacy policy is available at
Participation obligatorily implies that the participant authorises the organisers of the XV MALLORCA 312 to partially or totally record their participation in this event, gives their agreement to use their image to promote and publicise the image of the XV MALLORCA 312 or of any other event organised by any entity belonging to the group of 312 BIKE & TOURS, in all its forms (radio, press, video, photo, DVD, internet, posters, mass media, etc.) and assigns all rights relating to its use for commercial and advertising purposes that are deemed appropriate, without the participant being entitled to any financial compensation.
Conditions of Participation in the Sporting Event
By registering for this sporting event, the participant expressly accepts the following conditions, including those related to the recording of the event through the use of a drone:
- Acceptance of Risks
The participant acknowledges and accepts that the execution of the sporting event will include the aerial filming of the event using a drone. The use of this drone carries certain inherent risks, which the participant assumes by registering for the event.
- Safety Measures Related to Drone Use
The only risk identified is the remote possibility of the drone entering an uncontrolled flight mode and crashing. Since this is a drone weighing less than 250 grams, the maximum kinetic energy that could be generated in the event of an impact is less than 80 joules, which significantly minimises the risk of injury. In the unlikely event that the drone loses control during the event, its engines will be shut down immediately. Participants should pay attention to the sound signals emitted by the organisers in such a situation and, if necessary, avoid direct contact with the drone by letting it hit the ground without attempting to hold it.
- Consent to Recording
By accepting these conditions, the participant consents to be filmed during the event using the drone. Such recordings may be used by the organisation for promotional, informative or commercial purposes, without any compensation to the participant’.